We are pleased to announce that a fourth-year student of applied geophysics at the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection AGH UST, Ms. Beata Rudnicka, won 3rd place for her paper CARBON DIOXIDE STORAGE – IDEA AND DIRECTION OF DEVELOPMENT, in which she presented the EnerGizerS project and the results of petrophysical interpretation for the OŚNO IG-2 borehole – effective porosity and absolute permeability of Permian rocks based on the results of borehole geophysics profiling (see more about the laureates).
The work was carried out under the scientific supervision of Professor Paulina Krakowska-Madejska, who in the EnerGizerS project carried out laboratory tests on core samples taken from prospective sites for CO2-EGS in Poland and Norway. More about the event can be seen here.