EnerGizerS project at the 63rd St. Barbara Conference of AGH Students Scientific Association section II: Geology and Geophysics

We are pleased to announce that a fourth-year student of applied geophysics at the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection AGH UST, Ms. Beata Rudnicka, won 3rd place for her paper CARBON DIOXIDE STORAGE – IDEA AND DIRECTION OF DEVELOPMENT, in which she presented the EnerGizerS project and the results of petrophysical interpretation for the OŚNO IG-2 borehole – effective porosity and absolute permeability of Permian rocks based on the results of borehole geophysics profiling.

The work was carried out under the scientific supervision of Professor Paulina Krakowska-Madejska, who in the EnerGizerS project carried out laboratory tests on core samples taken from prospective sites for CO2-EGS in Poland and Norway.

Rudnicka Beata III miejsce
