Project consortium
Project Promoter

The AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow (AGH-UST) is a modern state university that develops collaboration with colleges and universities all over the world. The AGH-UST is a technical university where exact sciences are strongly represented, and where they constitute a basis for the development of a wide spectrum of applied sciences at a gradually increasing role of social sciences and humanities. The university’s priority is the accomplishment of tasks and projects that are part of the knowledge triangle: education – scientific research – innovations. The AGH team involved in the EnerGizerS project has been conducting basic geothermal research and implementation work for many years. It has extensive experience in the field of geothermal energy, resulting from ongoing projects to assess the geothermal potential for various regions of Poland, as well as geothermal investment projects. At the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection - Department of Fossil Fuels, geological conditions of water and geothermal energy resources are analyzed, as well as technologies for managing geothermal water deposits within the geological units of Poland. The AGH team has developed a series of geothermal atlases of Poland, work related to sequestration of carbon dioxide (CCS) as well as research into the implementation of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in Poland. In the AGH team employed in the EnerGizerS project are experienced scientists conducting research in the fields: process modeling of energy systems, energy installations and industrial processes, environmental and economic assessment of energy and industrial systems, CO2 capture and utilization technologies assessment, water resources management, the legal framework of geothermal installations, 3D numerical modeling, numerical modeling of rock's fracturing process, laboratory tests and others. Moreover, young researchers are involved in the project.
Project Partners

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is a university with an international focus, with headquarters in Trondheim and campuses in Ålesund and Gjøvik. NTNU has a main profile in science and technology, a variety of programs of professional study, and great academic breadth that also includes the humanities, social sciences, economics, medicine, health sciences, educational science, architecture, entrepreneurship, art disciplines and artistic activities. As part of NTNU’s Faculty of Engineering, the Department of Geoscience and Petroleum (IGP) has worked with ground source heat pump systems and aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) since 2008. The department has initiated and led the ORMEL project and is currently involved in the EnergiX-project RockStore that aims at investigating the potential for Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES) to be integrated into an energy system and grid. The ongoing ORMEL II project examines i.a. the role of CO2 gas in solution and precipitation of iron and manganese compounds in groundwater used for thermal energy production. Our group has also cooperated with MEERI PAS (Poland) on international projects.

SINTEF Energi AS is an independent Norwegian research institute affiliated with the SINTEF Foundation, the largest independent research group in the Nordic region, with 2100 employees. Its main office and main facilities are located in Trondheim, Norway. SINTEF shares research facilities and laboratories with NTNU. SINTEF Energi is devoted to energy systems, covering the full range of energy technologies and related fields. SINTEF Energi is involved in national and international research missions, including coordination of large strategic centers of high impact and topical significance. In 2016, Norway appointed 8 national Centers for Environment-friendly Energy Research (CEER), of which SINTEF Energi coordinates 3:
- HighEFF – Centre for an Energy Efficient and Competitive Industry for the Future,
- NCCS – Norwegian CCS Research Centre – Industry driven innovation for fast track CCS deployment,
- CINELDI – Centre for intelligent electricity distribution.
Moreover, SINTEF also coordinates several European integrated projects. Additionally, SINTEF Energi participates as a service provider of experimental infrastructure in ECCSEL – the European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure. The SINTEF team in the EnerGizerS project has broad experience and deep competence within their topics in the experimental determination of properties of CO2-rich mixtures as well as design and analysis of heat and power processes with CO2 as working fluid.

Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute Polish Academy of Science (MEERI PAS) is a state-owned research institution, that since the end of the 1980s has been involved in the comprehensive implementation of projects related to geothermal energy - from the assessment and identification of energy resources, through designing geothermal wells and supervising their drilling, to assessing the viability of energy extraction and conducting environmental impact assessments. MEERI PAS launched in 1993 in the Podhale region, the first in Poland experimental geothermal installation, which has become a commercial installation and is currently one of the largest geothermal heat plants in Europe. Another pillar of the activity of MEERI PAS is the analysis of the profitability of renewable and hybrid thermal energy sources for a wide spectrum of clients. MEERI PAS as a research institute conducts basic, applied and development research as part of its statutory activity, providing services to businesses, municipalities and the Polish government. The MEERI PAS experience is reflected by its involvement in the implementation of both domestic and international research projects devoted to geothermal energy (also EU-funded: GEORISK, GeoDH, GEOCOM and Norway and EEA grants).

Exergon was founded in 2013 by researchers of the Silesian University of Technology as a response to the market need for specialized services related to technical and economic analyzes of energy conversion systems. The headquarters of the institution is located in Gliwice, Poland. Many years of experience in the implementation of research works related to real problems of power and chemical industry, as well as the opportunities offered by functioning on the market, allowed the dynamic development of the Company and transferring the full activity of the Exergon Team to commercial activities. Currently, the company provides computing and consulting services, developing feasibility studies or business plans, and creating dedicated computer applications. In its operations, Exergon uses practical knowledge in the field of energy technologies by providing consulting services, also for municipal heating and sewer companies, automotive, transportation and other. During the first 5 years of activity over 150 works were carried out for over 60 clients. One of the company's areas of activity is analysis and feasibility studies on reducing emissions of harmful substances from boiler installations, helping in obtaining external funds for necessary investments. Exergon’s team members are creators of three patents (PL no. 224 290, 222 316, 209 063) and one patent application (No. 403 292).