Internship of a Young Scientist in Norway


As a part of the EnerGizerS project, we actively support the development of young scientists by providing opportunities to participate in all activities and initiatives undertaken, as well as comprehensive laboratory tests.

Thus, we are pleased to announce that despite many difficulties resulting from the COVID pandemic, we managed to organize and bring to fruition a research visit of a PhD student, Maciej Szymanek, MSc Eng. from the Department of Fossil Fuels, WGGiOŚ AGH-UST to our Norwegian partner - SINTEF ER. Taking 6 months, the research internship is part of Work Package 3, which aims to conduct an experimental campaign to measure and verify the operating states of carbon dioxide as a working medium in CO2-EGS geothermal systems. More information will be coming soon, and now we invite you to follow our future achievements.



Photos: M. Szymanek



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