Seminar on the EnerGizerS Project, Cracow 2022

On April 5, 2022, a scientific seminar of the EnerGizerS project was organized within the walls of the University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. The event was dedicated to discussing the status of work and prospects for further activities of the ongoing project.

The results of the completed Work Package 1: Identification of key parameters for the effective use of the EGS-CO2 systems and selection of appropriate locations were broadly presented, as well as the progress of work under the ongoing tasks (Work Packages 2-5) and plans of activities under Work Package 6. The presentations were summarized by an open and fruitful discussion. An important part of the event was a tour of the laboratories of the Department of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection: NMR Tomography and Spectroscopy Laboratory, Mercury Porosimetry Laboratory, Elastic and Mechanical Properties Laboratory, and Thermal Research Laboratory, where research is carried out on the characteristics of rock cores from selected boreholes in Poland and Norway. The detailed schedule of the seminar is available here. The event was attended by 32 people.


