EnerGizerS among young scientists – European Geothermal PhD Days, Glasgow 2023

The European Geothermal PhD Days 2023 (EGPD 2023) was held in Glasgow on April 4-6, 2023. The conference was hosted at the University of Glasgow and University of Strathclyde buildings and covered the topics of:

The conference was attended by more than 50 PhD students from all over Europe. The EnerGizerS project was presented by a PhD student from the Department of Energy Resources at the AGH University of Science and Technology. Maciej Szymanek gave a presentation entitled "Geothermal working fluids and its properties – research on the development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems technology", presenting the work carried out within the framework of WP3 of the project, i.e. experimental research on the properties and behavior of working fluids in CO2-EGS systems (see the Conference Program). The presentation as well as the poster session was very popular among the participants. 
